They didn’t talk about Bitcoin much but did talk around it a lot. Personally, I enjoy Eric quite a bit because he isn’t afraid of being a heretic and even has an appetite for exploring heresy. I don’t always agree with him but he’s at least worthy of disagreeing with because he’s default open and honest.
I really like Eric Weinstein and enjoyed this episode. He seems really principled, even publicly pushing back against his brother, who I used to love, but I think has gone a bit far off of the deep end recently (speaking of audience capture).
I can't help but wonder if he is delusional about his ideas in physics- how can he be the only person seemingly interested in the ideas he's exploring? Politicization of physics academia funding? I'm not nearly smart enough to be able to judge but it just seems strange that so many geniuses would not be chasing after the truth in a pure science field like physics.
I can't help but wonder if he is delusional about his ideas in physics
Same! But it’s likewise because I have no insight here. There do seem to be few people exploring theories of everything publicly but I’m sure there are many who are just doing it in private. His theory might just be so esoteric he has trouble finding people to review it.
love watching youtube podcasts directly on Stackernews. ❤️
Culture wars, identity politics, the intellectual dark web, audience capture: this is the well-worn nomenclature used to define the battles of open discourse that have been raging over the past few years. Retaining an authentic and honest voice in today’s polarised and intolerant society has required fortitude and resilience.
But, trying to engage with those who refuse to have (or are incapable of having) an open mind takes its toll. In addition, it is equally waring to engage with those who have a firm opinion on all matters. People generally refrain from admitting they don’t know, or that they are open to changing their views, as though indecision or uncertainty are damning frailties.
Having a society that is blinkered and entrenched and toxic is obviously counterproductive. In a political context, pluralism is the bedrock of a functioning democracy. In science, openness to new ways of thinking and new ideas allows for the paradigm shifts that propel the advancement of our civilisation.
That some of our generations greatest thought leaders are having to waste their time defending their right to have views, instead of actually developing and sharing their views, is the behaviour of an inward-looking society starting to wither. The people within Bitcoin must help fix this.
In this interview, I talk to the managing director of Thiel Capital and podcaster Eric Weinstein. We discuss media fact-checking, colonising other worlds, physics beyond Einstein, intelligent design, narrative wars, modern fascism, and economic deception amidst the rise of Bitcoin.
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:48 Audience capture, fact-checking, censorship 00:14:58 Bitcoin fixes this, not selling your soul 00:28:19 The Einsteinian Prison Break 00:41:05 Intelligent design 00:50:35 Children, spirituality, and climate 00:59:13 Leaders, Wealth, and Luxury 01:18:54 Institutional decay 01:31:35 The Bitcoin fight