I finally had my first Remote Force Close on one of my channels. I have a couple questions I am trying to answer. If I find the answer first I will post but wanted to use Stacker.News also to help.
Couple questions:
  1. I feel my node has a reasonable good up time. Can one choose force close in most node implementations even if Remote Node is "Online?
  2. What should a node operator check when seeing a Remote Force Close? Any due diligence needed?
  3. I know a watchtower will "punish" the offending node for trying to cheat but will an "Online and Synced" node take the same action for itself?
I am running and LND node.
Thanks for in advice for any helpful information
  1. Yes. And many nodes are also using shit ton of automated scripts that could trigger a FC. Are many reasons why was triggered and is quite hard to find out from your side. Could be too long pending HTLCs, too many pending HTLCs, you are running on Tor and even that you see your node online, is still do not broadcast in fast time your channels status.... etc You could check with
lncli pendingchannels
to see more details about that FC
  1. WT is used more to protect your node when is offline and you cannot broadcast the correct state of your channels. If your node is online it will broadcast anyways the real status of your channels. But remember: IF you use another state of your channels (old backup of channels.db) and you came back online with that old status, then you will be the one punished (if the peer is using a WT). WTs are only "fact checkers" of the last state of a channel.
Where is lncli pendingchannels meant to be run from?
I am getting "command not found" message when I run it.