Looks like the nitter.at instance is down. Example, the following results in HTTP 502.
nitter.it had gone down a couple months ago, then came back. However, it doesn't seem to work consistently -- sometimes I see "Tweet not found". (But then subsequent attempt to reload that same nitter.it link might render the Tweet properly).
The instances I sampled from the RoninDojoNode Tweet above seem to work, as does nitter.dark.fail, e.g.:
However there was a reply comment to one of my posts saying Twitter is messing with the API to prevent Nitter:
Just heard nitter is going away. [...]
I think that would obliterate many apps that use the Twitter API, so I don't know that is an accurate claim. Maybe it is just Twitter worsening the rate-limits on certain usage patterns that spam bots follow, and Nitter instances have similar usage and thus also are affected? Who knows.
Anyway, centralized social media is the plague, yo!!! I'm as guilty as anyone though.
Hoping to see nostr and such send Twitter for a long dirt nap.
I wonder if one or more links on SN that are for Nitter tweets (using a specific Nitter instance) that end up ranking high on SN results in a slashdot effect for that specific Nitter instance.