I think there are more people aware of the WEF and all the globalist/Marxist agenda after the lockdowns, but my worry is that there are not enough people having kids, raising them themselves, and teaching them Christian principles of love for your fellow man and personal responsibility. Without that, it’s just going to be the usual case of different cultures/worldviews fighting each other. But, the best part is anyone can change that anytime they want!
teaching them Christian principles
choose your indoctrination poison
Yes indeed. We all have a worldview and we are all being indoctrinated/educated in some direction by others and/or ourselves. I try to think hard about how and why I think what I think. And to stay open to being wrong. Since it’s hard to even know myself, let alone exactly what’s right.
You need distance to the chaos? May I recommend the phrases of the greek philosopher Epikuros? In Lao Tse You find his asian pendant.
You're right. Consciousness is clearly growing. And the press is trying hard to protect Klaus camarilla.