Soooo many endorsements for this podcast:
I highly recommend listening to the podcast between @joerogan and @MaajidNawaz
On Joe Rogan, Maajid Nawaz discusses how governments routinely abuse emergency powers.
Even the right to remain silent can be revoked.
I’m blown away. This will be the most listened to Rogan podcast in 2022. Maajid is a giant of a thinker. The way he unpacks the current situation is unrivaled — our global elites are shaking in their boots right now. The “truth” Kraken has been released.
Just finished listening to @joerogan’s podcast with @MaajidNawaz. Absolutely mind-blowing. Incredible articulation of the significance of what’s transpired over the past two years. One of the best podcasts of all time—no wonder they wanted to censor it so badly.
Everyone should listen to this episode. Everyone.
This ENTIRE episode is a must listen. Absolute must. #Bitcoin
@MaajidNawaz crushed it on Rogan. Fire section on CBDCs.
.@joerogan's podcast with @MaajidNawaz (@Spotify) is the most amazing of hundreds that I have listened to over the years. It is a truly awesome analysis of fundamental human rights.