The Bitcoin Store is an idea I've had for a while that I haven't actually seen out there. It's a brick and mortar store that you can physically walk into, and I would sell only Bitcoin-related products and services.
There's so much out there that our community makes and it would be amazing to have a place where you can walk into and shop these things knowing that anyone else in there has at least an interest in the same thing.
I'd sell everything from art to clothes, books, magazines, comic books, toys & plushies, hardware wallets and cold storage devices. Anything the community has to offer. I even have a few ideas to put together super basic full node hardware that's ready to go out the box, SD cards and USB sticks with 600k or 700k blocks preloaded in them to make spinning up a node from scratch faster cheaper and easier. Anything. It could also serve as a meeting space for bitcoiners in my area who want to hold events and talks, as well as a space for bitcoin education and learning. Couple Bitcoin ATMs in there for KYC-free Bitcoin.
I've had the opportunity to open and run brick and mortar stores in the past, so I have the knowledge and experience, I have the know-how, I just lack the funding.
That's why I'm throwing this into the SN jungle. If you crazy degenerates can throw ideas and Sats my way, maybe I can make it a reality. And if not, maybe someone can steal the idea and make your own Bitcoin Store that I can go shop at. Anything goes. Let me know what you think.
какие ещё технологии нужны? могу найти в сети. скорость информации быстрее скорости света.
A franchise model would be cool af! Physical shops for bitcoin would need to be in the right locations to start with, in places where a lot of folk are already clustered. There's a lot of practical bitcoin related products you could be retailing as well - these miner-heater rigs, turnkey nodes, books, hardware wallets, GrapheneOS phones, not just various flavours of promotional material. And you could host training sessions and talks, book launches...Coffee and beer probably wouldn't go astray but might be harder to set up in some places, and people come and sit and read books about Bitcoin as well.
I'm sure once you identify a viable location you'll get one happening, but to make it into an online/offline thing, where other locations can open up and share access to a wholesale market it would help it grow a lot faster.