Two Questions I need to research or someone can answer:
  1. For the Fidelity bond, I didn't see BTC Sessions mention what happens to your bond besides locking it up. Do you lose the bond if bailing out of an earn transaction?
  2. I think (please correct me if I am wrong) an user providing liquidity would want to be careful what fee they charge. I think one will end up with a lot of different UTXOs and the transaction fee to move them later could be larger than join fees earned.
what happens to your bond besides locking it up. Do you lose the bond if bailing out of an earn transaction?
Nothing happens, it's timelocked at Bitcoin protocol level. Nobody can spend it until timelock expires.
I think one will end up with a lot of different UTXOs and the transaction fee to move them later could be larger than join fees earned.
There is 2730 sat (0.00002730 BTC) hardcoded dust threshold in JoinMarket, smaller UTXOs will not be created. Also when you provide liquidity as a maker, you will consolidate UTXOs within coinjoins (greedness of that can be configured), where taker is the one that pays tx fees.
There is 5 jars, does that mean there be a max of 5 UTXOs?
I only see fee and minimum sats amount in the settings. Where is the setting for who pays the fees?
No, you can and likely will have multiple UTXOs in a single mixdepth (jar). But any collaborative coinjoin transaction can have more than one input from each participant. Idea of mixdepth / jar separation is that you should assume that UTXOs from a single mixdepth are correlated. When you participate in coinjoin, equal amount output will move to next mixdepth, change will stay at the same. Basically, treat them as 5 different wallets inside a wallet.