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Likely war becomes really hot for the SBW developer and he goes to the front after some period of training.
Please, support Ukraine.
uke has been in civil war since 2014 between the eastern majority russian side and western majority ukrainian ethnic side. in 2014 it was a violent overthrow of their elected government (friendly to russia) and installed a government friendly to nato. the country went hardline fascist shutting down all opposition parties and journalists, crushing dissent, paying off people like hunter biden for favor in washington, and pushing anti-rus propaganda non-stop. still it's not enough to defeat their old motherland. this war is another CIA paper-money shitshow that is only hurting us as humans
No. You are wrong. Literally the brightest LN dev has to go to war and you have 0 empathy to him and his whole country which is being destroyed right now. You are such a shit Bitcoiner.
Your empathy goes to the STATE of ukraine, while mine is for the people.
I simply share some views with SBW developer.
Besides, I know very well what Russian state has become after 20 years of the single president reign.
You may count how many presidents Ukraine had for the same period.
Hello, I'm former SBW dev and you're wrong about literally everything here. I bet you know no one from Ukraine, perhaps you did not even know such a place exists until recently. It's highly unlikely that you are a paid russian bot oh boy you sound a lot like one, perhaps reevaluate your information sources because your current ones are outright poisonous.