U.S. CPI calculation change in January. CPI was formerly based on two years of consumption data. Now, CPI will be based on a single year of data.
Every time inflation is too high, they simply change the basket or the calculation. FRAUD
They prefer comparing the numbers to last year, which had the highest inflation numbers in 40 years despite decades of numbers fudging.
This allows them to have the lowest possible CPI in 2023, as the base they're comparing to is the highest.
If they had used the 21/22, the base would be lower hence the delta (inflation) would be higher.
I for one welcome our new insect overloads.
100% Fraud. As @saylor stated inflation is not a scalar, is a vector and depends on the medium it moves thru. Any single figure is basically wrong yet conveniently accepted by the fiat academy world.
Lol I am still amazed people take these figures seriously, its been bastardised to death but traders allocate capital based on it, so even though its fake as F, it has pretty real changes in the market
I would eliminate everything except of imported chines plastic.
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