$ for subs is fine.
Other options:
  • dash: s-jobs
  • tilde: ~jobs
  • slash: s/jobs
  • hash: #jobs (you can map the fragment in URL to a path)
  • underscore: _jobs
  • plus: +jobs (this would be my pick maybe)
Tilde is good. I kind of liked the idea of appropriating the dollar sign...
i agree ~ works
I ended up doing tilde locally - but nothing has shipped yet. @ThrillerX_ can get pretty hyper-focused on the trees, but with enough bad trees you do get a bad forest ... What's nice is that tildes aren't used very frequently so if in a post/comment someone says ~jobs or ~<sub> I can link to it automatically. I also want to do this with items as in we'd reference this post with #12077 ... and then maybe I should do the url trick with items too so it's just stacker.news/#12077.
+ is a good un too.
i disagree this is more of a seed soil issue before it becomes a tree
FWIW, you can put put unicode in URLS.
https://y.at/🦄☄️🙈 (copy paste this, it works)
I had to screw around with this, cause the markdown processor. But if you copy-paste the above, it works in chrome.
Using ⚡ somehow feels fun. Shitty UX. But so pretty in a URL bar.