Saifedean does an amazing job explaining the history of money, why Bitcoin is superior, just as he does in The Bitcoin Standard. Toward the end of the pod, hosts Scott and Mindy explain that while they now have an appreciate for Bitcoin (and at one point they did own some), they don't currently own any and they don't believe in using it as an investment because it doesn't make sense for a currency to be used as an investment.
I agree with their basic investment premise, but in practice I think Bitcoin is more than a currency. I see Bitcoin as a technology with many more use-cases than traditional money.
So clearly Scott and Mindy still have some learning to do, but they've now seen the matrix.
They're embedded in the fiat income producing investment mode. That's fine while it lasts, but the debt based system that they (and I) have benefitted from is crumbling. It will be a game of musical chairs at the end.