why do ppl seem to love nostr so much. its not even finished and barely even usable imo
Has been fine for me, clients are still in development but still very much usable and there has been great progress in mobile clients like Damus over the last few weeks. Still in Beta though...
What client have you been using?
ive tried anigma.io but it got kinda boring then i tried astral.ninja but it seemed a little slow and buggy, now im using iris.to but it still doesent feel quite right. im probably just spoiled!
The main reason for the slowness is the relays. As users grows the relays suffer, however more are being built as the community grows so just need to keep on top of them and make sure you add them to your account.
As for bugs, the clients are still under development but the devs do keep the development progress public and are generally very responsive which is great to see.
All perks of an open source network. There is power and transparency that you just wouldn't get elsewhere and is why i like it so much.