Ah, yes -- not to worry, the regurgitations for normies like you will be out in about 3 years by my estimates.
You wrote about gold and stocks for decades and didn't get into bitcoin until 2019? Remarkably bad at the one thing you were doing in life and it still do not cure your arrogance or lack of curiosity it seems. The intro was a long enough interruption without holding your hand to explain each term to you.
It is not mere ignorance of the extremely specific functions being described, but a disgusting lack of aesthetic inclination.
The world is built on math & physics -- the world of bullshit is built from people like you who wrote newsletters on stocks & gold for decades.
But you do you.
You are a sad little pseudo-intellectual. You can have the last word. Good luck to you.
Fuck off, you statist cuck. I had to figure this shit out because of retard grifters like you doing fake work their entire lives talking about gold and stocks. You've clearly never met many engineers. Go back to your circles of dimwit Cantillionaires who pontificate on stocks and get off the internet.
You named yourself Rothbard and don't like reading pieces on economics written in a different style than you are used to? You, dumb, mother, fucker -- that's the only pseudo-intellectualism here.🤦‍♂️ I never claimed to be an intellectual. 🤡🤡🤡