Zero carbs is just the next diet fad. Your body has evolved an entire metabolic pathway for carbohydrates over hundreds of thousands of years. The same goes for your teeth, that can deal with almost type of food and don't resemble carnivorous teeth at all. Heck, even real carnivores still get around 20% of their calories from plants
Processed carbs, much like processed meat or processed fiat money, is what is unhealthy.
Wholemeal bread, especially freshly baked, is both healthy and delicious šŸ»
My family has always eaten a lot of meat in all forms, but now there are 2 folks that got gout and they can't walk the next day after eating any meat. So that makes me worried about switching to fully carnivore. I don't have data that gout is caused by the meat, but it's a common knowledge and when you have gout, then stopping eating meat is the only way to heal.
Red meat and organ meat is one risk factor, but more often it's a combination of things, and especially sugar/simple carbs, obesity and diabetes. Best to ask a local professional for advice on improving your family's diet
Yeah, there have been many doctors involved, etc. Neither person is obese or has diabetes. The thing is that until you get it you can eat whatever, when you get it you have to stop eating everything good for 1-2 years :/