BTC is not mature enough to be accepted by utilities, groceries stores, and tax agencies.
LOL another denier... I live LITERALLY using only BTC from 2018.
I earn in BTC, I spend in BTC, I hold BTC. Because I want it and fuck the banks. If you still don't do it that means you still do not want BTC... so HFSP.
Taxes? Are you out of your mind to pay taxes? Especially with your BTC? No fucking way!
Yes, its possible to live on BTC only. We you are a sovereign individual that dedicated years to learn the way and you've made it your mission to educate others as well. Most people are not willing to do the work required to use BTC for EVERY situation.
The easiest option is to pay taxes, groceries and utilities in Fiat. It's easier to pay taxes than to avoid them.
Shitcoins offer easy privacy when privacy on BTC is hard. The easiest method for darknet is shitcoin.
The flower does not dream to educate the bee on the utility of pollen, it simply flowers and the bee comes.
I believe this, I live for this