BW indeed has the onchain part non-custodial. But the LN part is custodial if you use THEIR lndhub node. That BW lndhub account (LN wallet), indeed can be funded from your onchain wallet, if you click on refill - choose local onchain wallet.
Same happen if you use lndhub on your own node (see my other guide about this).
Also you can use with BW any other lndhub account, self hosted on your own node or custodial (but don't keep too much sats on that). You can use it with LNbits accounts and LNTXBOT accounts.
I live phoenix wallet better
Read again my wallet guides. Is not about "a better wallet", is about each wallet for the specific use. Limiting your use only to Phoenix but not using also others, you are limiting your options. You will always be a limited user, not a pro.