Honestly I do find a lot of Bitcoin media to be a bit too right-wing on some issues. There are a lot of podcasts that I started out liking but later unsubscribed from because of their views on some non-Bitcoin things. Just because I disagree with them on certain political (or politicized) stuff, doesn't mean that Bitcoin is bad or they are wrong about it.
I only skimmed the article, but seems like he's trying to make us out as some sort of hivemind with monolithic beliefs. Like every podcaster speaks for every person in the Bitcoin community. Like they say shit and we all just believe it and adopt their views. In my opinion anyone who reads this bullshit he wrote and buys it is the imbecile he is referring to.
Peter McCormack does a great job interviewing both left and right 🤙🏽
USA audience thinks he is progressive
UK people think he is anarchist