There's a possibility that this also isn't the cause. Later in the thread, midmagic mentions that Linux, Bitcoin Core, and OpenSSL wouldn't be affected by the DARN instruction bug.
At any rate, it's good that Luke is openly talking about this. People shouldn't mock him, but should rather keep asking questions to get at the truth. As they say, "this is good for Bitcoin". To quote midmagic: "people dunking on Luke—you can get fucked. Luke's one of the rare people who would pull even you [who've dunked on him] out of the snowbank if you were freezing to death"
That sounds like FUD.
Or like a take by someone with poor understanding of cryptography. That's not how bad entropy weaknesses work or can be exploited. You would need to know what he used for randomness when generating keys.
The tweet doesn't imply that the thief was targeting Luke specifically. Just blanket targeting all private keys generated with a bad random number generator.
I mean the more I think about it, the less likely this is the case, since Luke is a public person who has a high probability of being targeted.
Maybe there aren't that many OGs who still have part of their stash on such a wallet. Luke is quirky and maybe sentimental about it.
Or he encrypted his wallet using his PGP private key which was stolen as alluded to elsewhere.
Random number generation is extremely important for computer security and the computer that Luke uses has a bug that causes one part of the computer to generate insufficiently-random numbers. Such a bug would make it far easier for people to guess private keys.
However, see my other comment -- there's a possibility this also isn't what enabled the theft of Luke Jr's BTC.
Nice explanation.
This is why you add should add a password.
I just hope luke didn't fuck up on some code on segwit...