Waiting for a days-for-relay service we’re I can pay someone on a different continent to “host” my posts as well.
It’s nearly impossible to boot a person off the platform completely unless all relays ban them, and the more relays spun up, the harder it gets to ban someone. Nostr allows the free market for information to run its course since “there will always be some Russian server willing to take your money in exchange for serving your posts.”
If you’re a provocative character that certain clients and relays don’t wish to display, the ones that do will attract those users and traffic to their relay and client. Trying to chase your information down and pin it to one source becomes a game of whack-a-mole.
That would be cool, I think a rating/trust system for relays would be nice too, so you can see which relays are subject to removing content and that can create a market for pricing relays as they compete to host users.
The more controversial users will bring in more views so people can decide if its worth it or not to host