What about building phone app for Stacker News? Currently the page is harder to use on phone, it doesn't take advantage of any gestures and not many people will install it as Browser "app".
I think Stacker News is ideal for the moments when you have nothing else to do, are sitting somewhere and just have a phone in your hand ;)
What do you all think?
I want to do this as an X Prize like thing. Like, we'll put out a $5k in Bitcoin bounty out for each an iOS and Android app. The main thing stopping this from being put out immediately is opening up the API: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues/26
It would be good to have a good maintenance and next development story if you go with the bounty direction. My guess would be that the mobile app would eventually have higher usage than desktop.
Just to brainstorm what I think would be great set of features:
Main list
  • Be able to swipe on single post to either tip it with sats or to save it for later
  • Be able to swipe from the side to see menu different substacks, etc. and with my wallet and notifications
  • Maybe even have bottom bar with "posts", "notifications" and other custom tabs
Post Detail
  • It would be great if it would have 2 tabs and I could swipe left - right easily between the article (e.g. iframe the actual page) and the comments section
  • On phone there are more times when it's appropriate to show a dialog or a detail box, e.g. when clicking on someone's name.
  • The app should create an item in my "Share" list, so when I'm e.g. browsing something on twitter, I can click on "share" and it gives me option Stacker News
  • The app itself should have a share button so I can share SN post somewhere
  • It could more seamlessly integrate with other Lightning Wallets on your phone, like stacking directly into the wallet :)
Just for inspiration, I really enjoy and still use "Materialistic HN" (github), but I think the app is no longer in play store.
I'd be really delighted if the mobile web experience could keep me logged in (even if I needed to configure the timing for wallet security purposes).
Having to login on every visit is a lot of friction to participation.
I second this message!