I use it pretty regularly for onchain spending txns. I peg-in largish chunks every so often and spend out with peg-outs via sideswap.
I wouldn't mind spending from there as well if more folks used it (instead of pegging out). I bought a Jade wallet using it and it was pretty much the same experience as onchain bitcoin.
but why not do onchain spending directly?
Testing out obfuscating UTXOs. It's currently not the best because there's no crowd to hide in, but it's much better than a fully transparent onchain trail.
I think eventually it'll be really useful as well as folks build gateways to swap out to lightning too (similar to fedimint gateways being built).
I started using it when onchain fees had gone up, as a cheaper spending alternative without having to maintain lightning infra & liquidity.
I too have a Jade, which is what prompted my interest in potentially interacting with it. Do you have any learning resources for the concepts you've mentioned here?