You speak as if convincing a merchant to accept Bitcoin takes a few minutes
No, it doesn't. You have to put a lot of effort, energy, time in this. In the last 10+ years being in Bitcoin I convinced a lot of merchants around me to accept my BTC, so now I am living literally only using BTC. I do not use fiat anymore and I closed my bank accounts.
But if you prefer to wait for them to accept, and do nothing, then you are the one losing. For more we continue using fiat, more we will suffer.
Not everybody has a lot of time and energy to put into convincing merchants exactly the way you want.
Some people give tips to waiters in Bitcoin. Some others sell Bitcoin in Robosats. Some others orange-pill financial institutions or whole countries. Some others build coinjoin apps. Some others use these prepaid cards to purchase online KYC free, which indirectly benefits the Bitcoin cause.
This is a slow, messy, and totally non-linear process.
You need to stop assuming everybody sees the path to hyperbitcoinization, let alone the world, exactly like you do.
Sure. But @DarthCoin's attitude is how necessary revolutions have succeeded in the past. We can't keep living and working in the fiat system and act like everything's fine. It's not fine. If we don't make a fuss and start screaming about it, who will?
I think it is time to boycott companies that don't hold and accept Bitcoin. I think it's time to create a circular, online economy of people like us who want out of the fiat system.