The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
El Salvador is #Bitcoin country 🚀🇸🇻
And over the next day, we are going to post 21 of the coolest things that happened in 2022 which prove that President @nayibbukele's model of economic liberty is a winning one for the population of El Salvador

And another Tweet that is related:
🇸🇻 The National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador: “El Salvador is #Bitcoin country, and always will be 🌋🚀”
And another as well:
My 2023 predictions on #Bitcoin
•Will reach $100k •2 more countries will adopt it as legal tender •Will become a major electoral issue in US elections this year •Bitcoin City will commence construction •Volcano bonds will be oversubscribed