But who are you and David Marcus to say I'm using bitcoin "wrong"? I don't say that to you because it would be presumptuous and wrong of me to say that, and would be self-serving in some way. Do what you want. Build what you want. Go for it.
Personally I want a store of value that can't be confiscated, barring torture and rendition. I also want that store of value to go up in purchasing power against the thing I'm exchanging it for (dollars).
Also: Who are you to say that speculators are not "using" bitcoin? I don't see the need for anybody to be giving speculators condescending life advice about how to "use" bitcoin.
But who are you and David Marcus to say I'm using bitcoin "wrong"?
It doesn't matter who I am.
Personally I want a store of value that can't be confiscated, barring torture and rendition. I also want that store of value to go up in purchasing power against the thing I'm exchanging it for (dollars).
That's great. I want that too. But I think you got me wrong:
I am not saying you are using Bitcoin wrong. Bitcoin is open for everyone. I am just saying that it doesn't make sense to me to think that you can except the price to go up without people building on it and making the network more accessible. That's how I interpreted your comment at least:
but it's going to remain all about speculation no matter what you say you're building.
If you think I gave you "condescending life advice", that's on you.
I just gave you my opinion such that you can think about it (or not).
Honest question: Would Bitcoin be where it is now without SegWit? Without Lightning? Without SN? Without Taproot?
Better question: where would bitcoin be without the move up from $0.01 to $16,250.
There would be no segwit, no lightning, no nuthin.......just another obscure tech project.
Here's some unsolicited life advice for you: re-read your answer to me and honestly assess whether you were offering me advice, as in: as a speculator I am not "using it, building on it, or educating people about it". Cause that's how it came across: Be the virtuous builder and educator, like me.