[LOL, had to post under my other comment since the "one comment or reply max per parent" change was implemented.]
Might the jobs sub attract more people to SN (organically), starting on day one, than any of the others subs would? I think so -- as the others would attract only a small number at first (though over time they could grow to be well more widely used than the jobs sub).
And that revenue from the employers lets SN do advertising elsewhere, to attract job seekers to come to SN. And if that is done, that ad visibility brings in new users to SN (some for the jobs sub, others that saw the SN brand and clicked to visit the site). Even of those coming for just the jobs board, a number will also check out the front page, and some will become regulars.

But for the jobs sub, there's a time component. I'm not sure if you address that -- I did see your "steamed [sic] one minute at a time", but I'm not sure about what that is about. My concern is that you are not considering this scenario:
Let's say there is this an auction for staying at a beachfront property. Highest bid gets to stay there. So for day 1 you bid $250, and then I bid $251. Mine was higher so I get to stay there for the night. The next day you bid $300 so I add another $50 (totaling $301) and I get to stay the second night for just $50. Then day three, nobody bids above $300 so I get to stay the third night -- for free.
Or does this auction you describe involve bidding per unit of time? (e.g., sats per minute, or sats per day)?
e.g., for sats per minute. Let's say one listing has bid 10 sats per minute for two days, (about $10) and another listing has bid 8 sats per minute for 30 days, (about $145). The 8 sats per minute listing shows up in second position, at least for the first two days, unless, of course, someone else bids above 8 or this employer increases their bid to an amount higher than 10 sats per minute, to achieve the top spot.
For familiarity the job post form would likely express the cost as sats/month, but it would be paid for by the minute. And correct, it would be for ranked based on the sats per unit of time.
The UX of the form is going to be tricky but I'm hoping I can come up with something that allows us to express the novelty well but is easy enough to grasp without thinking too much.