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since when keeping the network secure is heresy...
Security is provided by private keys and has nothing to do with hash rate
And now imagine Bitcoin network is running by single Antminer (technically possible) - and claim Bitcoin is still secure because it has nothing to do with hash rate, LOL
Yes good point, I'm imagining it.
This single miner network would still be secure - the miner would not be able to steal my Bitcoin using fake transactions. My Bitcoin would be secure. Also the miner would be able to change the consensus rules of my node.
It would be crazy hard getting any transactions into a block though. Why?
Because people would strike a deal under the counter with this miner to have their tx included in a block. The black market for fees would be mind bogglingly huge. You might see a second miner come online to take a cut of that...
This single miner network would still be secure.
No comment (I could do a 51% attack, then)
Please try this so I can dump your inflationary shitcoin fork for real bitcoin.
If 90% sooner or later will understand it finally: reduced mining + reduced transactions = network security in spiral of death
it will be still real Bitcoin (but fixed on time, fortunately)
Why people with such terrible ideas always want to sound like they are the smart ones understanding before all the others ?
It's the block size war all over again, but tail emission this time. Some people never learn.
Yeah, some people will never learn that even if Satoshi has hardcoded long-term security model which is in obvious conflict with Gresham's law - it doesn't mean the Gresham's law will be suddenly suspended.
The only hope for Bitcoin is that they will be a minority some day...
Do you really want to fight with very old and well proven Gresham's law? :)
Once we realise there is no "dogma of Satoshi's infallibility" regarding denying the Gresham's law - as he hardcoded a terrible long-term security model in Bitcoin experiment - a discussion to reach the consensus how to neutralise it - is open, and 90% of votes is nothing else but still Bitcoin (vide: SegWit case)
You can also imagine a world in which Bitcoin on-chain is used daily by 1-10% of the population and businesses, and where fees will be large enough to secure the network. An average of 10 cents / vBytes would bring as much blocksubsidy as we get now, and it is largely enough to secure the network.
Yes it'll mean that an average tx will cost 10 or 20 USD, but without this level of adoption in 20 years, where enough big amount txs are made in Bitcoin, then Bitcoin will not have really catch-up, and thus security budget will not be so important as nobody uses it. If you are right then the market will migrate on a tail emission shitcoin, but as you know we don't care about opinions and who might be right in Bitcoin space. Fork it, sell your coins, and as you seem quite sure of yourself, you will make a ton of money. But Bitcoin is a dicovery, not an invention. It is sound money or it isn't. Trying to convince others that they are wrong suspicious. Act don't talk. All of this has nothing to do with Satoshi, but with what sound money is.
Gresham law doesn't apply for Bitcoin as it works only in a specfic location with a stong legal tender enforcement. But their is no legal tender on planet earth. Bitcoin is global, and it is the only available option to trade globaly without trust or friction. It will be used for trades, and to build layer 2 and 3 applications. It will be used for what it is, P2P eletronic cash. Hoarding in only one of its use cases and you seem to forget that.
Bitcoin will be used or it has not point and your tail emission makes no sense if nobody uses Bitcoin.
20 usd for single tx - but: now! Probably most of folks here expected bitcoin price 100k usd till the end of 2021 already. And in such case: 120 usd "only" per single tx to compensate lack of block subsidy. And only rising together with Bitcoin price... :)
Yeah, sure... Gresham law doesn't apply for Bitcoin. Game Theory doesn't apply for Bitcoin.
What else yet doesn't apply... ha-ha
If tail emission is a good idea, then the hard-fork should be done ASAP. The longer you wait, the more miners, nodes, and users there will be who will resist the not-insignificant change.
Is the delay simply a matter of "we're not quite sure how to implement tail emission"? Why not adopt an existing shitcoin tail emission algorithm?
Or, are tail-emission advocates trying to come up with an algorithm that will convince the largest number of miners/nodes/users to choose the tail-emission-side of a future hard-fork?
It's not that simple that it is good or bad: it's just necessary
And just the opposite, the waiting for 90% share to understand it well - is long-term process:
"Bitcoin should have had a 0.1% or 1% monetary inflation tax to pay for security" (Peter Todd, 2019)
Monero annual tail emission is set artificially at 0.9%, what is not optimal approach. Bitcoin can set it organically, thus on lowest possible level to preserve already reached level of network security. The proposal above is such kind.
So why don't you try to change monero? It may not be perfect but it already has a tail emission so that should be much easier than changing the sacred bitcoin 21M cap.
Monero was/is on the first line of governments' focus and attack (not to mention: lack of L2) Utilising this time and "unawareness" - Lightning Network has the chance to improve its privacy and grow as big as de facto unstopable (see, I'm Bitcoin Maxi :)
In my opnion some people are looking at the block subsidy wrong. Its not meant to secure the network its meant to distribute coins as fairly as possible. When the coins have been distributed the security will come from usage of the network, it will come from the fees. Some people have assumed there will be tonnes of usage and everything is awesome and they can put their entire networth in it and never have to work again and now isntead of adjusting their holdings because they might have second thoughts about their position they want to change the parameters of the protocol and continue coin emission in an attempt to protect their degen position. But they are just being reckless again and should be ignored.
they want to change the parameters of the protocol and continue coin emission in an attempt to protect their degen position
The degen position is the one that maximizes “number go up” at the expense of the security and fairness of the network.
Now which position is really “degen” here?
scarcity does not create value in itself and niether does creating coins to pay for security. Its the commodity like features that gives value, and you are compromising those with tail emissions hardforks.
delay the halving schedule by single cycle - only if the network security after long 4 years is still degraded (instead of killing it more) if no need to rescue the network security in such situation - I don't know when
The degen position is the one that maximizes “number go up” at the expense of the security
1k sat, because your comment is perfect :)
Let me add yet:
  • simple solution (easy to understand for Average Joe)
  • no hardcoded value of tail emission (only the circumstances define it)
  • as long as income from transactions compensate cut-off of block subsidy - nothing is changed
  • the network may grow by tiny single ASIC miner every 4 years - and nothing is changed as well
Just the network security oriented and only a safety measure.
the security will come from usage of the network, it will come from the fees
that's great ...and if you really believe in what you wrote above - you wouldn't write it at all as this safety measure would never be triggered - according to your bold claim
Nobody will stop you from creating this pseudobitcoin. It will be one of many.
If 90% sooner or later will understand it finally: reduced mining + reduced transactions = network security in spiral of death
it will be still real Bitcoin (but fixed on time, fortunately)
If you are right, put your money where your mouth is, and the market will tell with substantial net gains for you.
If not you will end up with just another fork.
Either way there is no point in the discussion IMO, just build or support what you think is good and the rest will come on its own
Gresham's law is non-negotiable.
Gresham’s law doesn’t apply to bitcoin as it doesn’t have a face value.
"GrEsHaM's LaW dOeSN't AppLy t0 biTCoIN."
even worse: you know that Bitcoin is good money, but you also predict it will be even better with time
Tail emission violates the fundamental principals of hard money. This is not what people who bought bitcoin signed up for. Scaring them into your ass-emissions solution to a problem you think the free market can't solve on it's own because of "who will build the roads?" style thinking is just FUD. Either the free market works or it doesn't, and bitcoin is exactly that.
No free market can solve the obvious conflict against the Gresham's law, regardless if you like it or not. side note: the Gresham's law is a product of free market, in fact...
What does Gresham's law have to do with tail emissions? You want to make an inferior coin, therefore everyone will rush to use that because its inferior?
What does Gresham's law have to do with tail emissions
A lot. Gresham's law in layman's words:
The better money is - the more people will do their best to hoard it. Hoarding means: avoiding of spending. Avoiding of spending will harm transaction volume and liquidity. Clear as crystal.
And bitcoin is better and better money with every halving.
Yes, the idea is to tune inferiority - to keep network security intact. The network security first. From big network security goes Bitcoin value.
Anyway, all the critics scream that transaction fees will be enough to support the big security of Bitcoin. If they would really believe in it - this safety measure even if implemented - will never be triggered, then...
So why they are screaming about fork? Even if this idea is implemented - there won't be any fork, according to their claims :)
The principal of bitcoin is freedom. Tax is theft. Why would the free market chose to be taxed? Your assertion is that there 'might' be a problem in the future. I've seen an attempt at a mathematical model that backs up this assertion, but I'm afraid fancy symbols aren't enough to confuse me. As an engineer, I too can read fancy mathematical symbols and can surmise the model makes further assertions that can't be proven. Adding a tax to bitcoin by way of posterior emissions is just shitcoiner trolling.
because tax is theft, as engineer to engineer:
keeping Bitcoin in the middle of obvious edge case, with pathological Friedman's free lunches for stakeholders (i.e. free riders), due to this overtaxing (punish) people which simply want to use Bitcoin, additionally with pure form of prisoner's dilemma here, and with trust to "large" stakeholders, while probably every of them will convince himself he is not really a large one and "let Microstrategy run Antminers" at loss (and burn money) - is pure madness from technical point of view.
Why do you want overtax one type of users (active) and benefit another type of users (passive) - and keep such unhealthy imbalance for the taxation in the system? It's irrational, especially for engineer.
You clearly learned about Gresham’s law on your own, without a professor or someone knowledgeable enough to give you examples where it applies.
Uh… what? How does this achieve tail emission… doesn’t it just delay the end year of 2140 to an unpredictable time?
Hard no
it doesn't simply: delay it delays only - if the security of the network is still degraded due to previous halving just before the next halving
so, no degradation = no delay
so, this may achieve tail emission or not - and achieve it indirectly and all depends on: if the network security requires it or not
Tail emission on Bitcoin is a ridiculous idea. If needed it means that Bitcoin adoption hasn't happen, and thus monero will be a fine enough (with tons of others shitcoins) to send value on the net.
Bitcoin this way will have the best because organically set, the lowest possible level of tail emission from all other shitcoins. E.g 0.1% against order of magnitude higher in Monero. The obvious choice what is: the best money here...