I've been playing around with some various services the last week on the Lightning side seeing if I could stack including Apollo, which I've had some issues with my account but was helped on Twitter and is a bug they are trying work out but I was personally paid out sats via an invoice they requested from me so. Some hiccups there but it's a cool idea in the making.
But then I found Fountain and the idea of streaming sats to creators, tipping and being streamed sats for ads or listening and my attitude began changing. I can actually participate and send and receive micro payments and use and contribute rather than only stack knowing what this has to offer.
Two days ago I came here to Stacker and now I'm tipping comments left and right, still managing to stack but also loving the sat slinging going around. Not only that it's not just all speculative price action junk that Reddit has a hard time of breaking out of. A lot more useful specifics on Bitcoin here.
Indeed, the fact that I can stack some sats and tip other sats to others make me feel generous. Which is surprising because I thought I would just selfishly hoard my sats. But it makes me happy to make others happy!