You want to addict gamers on collecting BTC sats? More power to you, brother.
There's only room for 21 million completionists. (Wholecoiner)
You need to gamify collecting BTC with achievements. Wholecoiner, ten million sats, one million, and every x10 down to 10.
This is a billion dollar idea here. Everyone will copy and improve upon your designs. So make sure to really "get big fast."
You make money by routing the lightning payments through your own node.
You can also skim a small percentage off the top. But know that this factor will be something your competitors will undercut you on. Eventually all gaming companies will arrive at the same solution of a "free" system (where you just collect the routing fees of like 1 sat/transaction).
The idea of making games for money only works if you ignore the money and focus on making a good game. Come up with a good Bitcoin implementation for monetization and you'll capture a huge portion of the market, especially with a good game.
Do not put data collection into your game's business model. Use the BTC sats instead. Respect your players. Use lightning login like does.
I suggest making a BTC lightning module (for lack of a better word) that you can add onto existing games as a way to monetize (anything and everything in gaming) directly without needing a Google or Apple or other rich fat gatekeeper who takes a cut from your hard work.
Just directly accept BTC lightning sats for all of your loot boxes/cheats/hurry-ups/skins/weapons/level skips/extensions/sales/bullshit.
Make sure to use investor money to run the game, and try your hardest to hold onto the sats.