defi 2.0 fiasco? all DAOs turned out to be scams?
Maybe I have the memory of a goldfish but I can't figure out what you're referring to.
Also there's no TA in the report at all.
I would refer you to refresh your memory then, good sir or madam. In the spirit of cooperation to jog your memory, I will simply mention the words Olympus DAO, Tomb finance and whatever the hell that Quadriga scammer project was involved with on Avalanche. I feel filthy even acknowledging my shitcoin knowledge, but it is what it is.
Messari does TA. They are a financial firm which specializes in shitcoin trading, and they were also very very wrong in their last report. They are cancer for bitcoin, not the cure.
Oh, ok. 2-3 DAOs out of 800+ is really nothing. The Messari report actually contains more condemning information on DAOs in general such as bribes (to vote in a particular way).
I don't care if Messari does TA, I don't read the rest of Messari, I only read Selkis.