I did an experiment to measure full-rbf adoption amongst Bitcoin Core v24 nodes today:
Looks like at least 17% are running it already. Umbrel's new full-rbf setting will help get that to 100% :)
I flipped mine on today!
Thank you!
I'm curious. Is your Umbrel node a listening node? On just Tor or clearnet?
For technical reasons I wasn't able to measure full-rbf adoption in listening nodes, or any Tor nodes at all.
I believe mine is a listening node, although I’m unfamiliar with the terminology. I am accepting incoming connections and allowing others to download blocks from me. Is that what you mean?
However, I am running over Tor. My understanding is that limits Clearnet nodes from being able to connect to me without a prior peer connection.
"listening node" means that your node is listening for incoming connections on some sort of interface. In your case it's probably listening on a Tor onion address.
Nodes can listen on Tor and clearnet simultaneously. But on a residential internet connection it's likely that your node isn't usefully listening on clearnet unless you set it up yourself, eg with port forwarding. if you don't know if it is, chances are it's not. :)