The best way to store your monetary energy long term is base layer BTC.
Any pegging into sidechains just gives away your BTC to some entity who's most profitable business model is to steal your BTC.
Say no to pegging.
I think you should look a bit more into cashu. I think I hate tokens as much as you, but that's not the point with cashu. Cashu is a way to give you privacy against custodians.
Imagine your grandma has a few sats in Wallet of Satoshi. Just the silly spending bucks for day to day. Ok, it's not as pure and nice as running your own node, I understand. But my grandma won't run a node, that's for sure. Since Wallet of Satoshi is running the show, they can (1) see all of your grandma's transactions and (2) know your grandma's balance. If they decided to run Cashu, they would be able to provide the same service to your grandma but without knowing about her transactions nor her balance. This would be transparent to the UX for your grandma, who wouldn't even notice. @calle (the Cashu developer) calls this "blinding the custodian".
The usual counterparty risks still apply the same. But having Cashu is positive for users of custodial services, they are not trading anything off. You might also argue it's positive for custodians who don't want to be victims of government control or hacker attacks, since it lowers their attractiveness as targets (if the custodian doesn't know who-owns-what nor who-sends-what-to-who, the chance of the government coming around to try to enforce tyrannical policies on the custodian drops a lot).
Lol dude just spouts bitcoin platitudes, has no real opinion!
Custodial crypto ALWAYS gets fucked up because humans are greedy and can't stop stealing.
Bitcoin frees you from this, but stupidity keeps bringing you back to the same error.
ye maybe dunno lol
Lol I think anyone who is here kind of knows that and accepts the fact that this isn't going to change, you NEED off-chain solutions to scale. If you want security yes hold your coins on-chain, but why do I need to do that for a hand full of groceries worth of purchasing power, for that you can further out the risk curve
Why are you even here, using lightning if you're going to be an on-chain absolutist.]
погоди... мы ещё добывать его не научились... а ты говоришь за хранение...
Whats mining got to do with this? You're simply funding an eCash mint with your Lightning balance
майнинг это добыча монет... а это своего рода метод при котором нужно заставить другого сделать перевод. вот о каком методе добычи монет я говорю. как заставить тебя сделать перевод? с одного адреса на другой?