No society wants you to become wise; that goes against the Self-interest of any society. When people are wise, they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent, you cannot subjugate them, you can't force them into a mechanical life, a robotic life, robot existence.
They will assert themselves, will assert their indivi-duality. They will spread a climate of rebellion around them. They will want to live in freedom. Freedom comes with wisdom, inevitably. Both are inseparable - and no society wants free people.
The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist-society, the Hindu society, the Mohammedan society, the Muslim society - no society wants people to make use of their own intelligence, because as soon as they use their intelligence, they become dangerous: Dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to all the people dangerous to all people in power, dangerous to the haves; dangerous for every kind of domination, exploitation, oppression; dangerous for the churches, dangerous for the state, dangerous for the nation. In fact, a wise man is like fire, alive, like a flame. Death is much dearer to him than slavery. His life he cannot sell to all kinds of stupid people. He cannot serve them.
мне все = что они не хотят... научить детей своих думать самостоятельно способен только родитель. поэтому появились педики и лисбиянки... ответ найден в белой бумаге сатоши.