Gold/Silver/Copper has a natural interest rate of -1%. This is the amount of gold/silver you have to pay the vault owner to secure it.
With Bitcoin if you know how to do self-custody, the natural interest rate is 0%. You can achieve the same level of security as gold/silver with self-custody for 0 cost.
This kills most types of financial industry. e.g. without vaults, banks cannot form, and without banks, central banks cannot form. Lending is almost always fully or nearly fully collaterized. In other words Bitcoin finance is sharia compliant. It incentivizes equity investment instead of debt. In a Bitcoin only world, there will be more actors buying equity instead of lending.
By reducing the size of the fixed income industry like this, and increasing the size of the equity markets, we are able to tax the rich using failures more effectievely. Since the rich will now have to bear the cost of failed investments. Unlike in fixed income market in Bitcoin there is no such thing as a risk free rate, which rich can be bailed out of perpetually.
It will create a type of venture capital which doesn't invest in scams like Theranos, and will create more public good.
For these reasons Bitcoin has to be adopted immediately. As for energy costs, Bitcoin can operate at arbitarily low energy, and the price of energy will encourage Bitcoin to use less energy. Each Bitcoin has to be only mined once, and while being mined it can help the transport of 1 megabyte of older bitcoins. With gold after mining an ounce, more gold has to be spent moving the gold.
For these reasons Bitcoin has to be adopted immediately.
That's not a fiat money. Bitcoin is voluntary decision.