First of all, I share your sentiment, and I hope that one day most people will choose to use non-custodial solutions of their own volition. Still, I disagree about not recommending custodial solutions at all.
You said recommend, so I assume you're talking about people who are new to the space. Whether talking about lightning wallets or other crypto wallets, I think it's essential to keep human nature and psychology in mind.
Naturally, most people will go for what's convenient and straightforward. They want something with a nice UX and not too much hassle. Therefore, they'd much prefer a custodial solution over a non-custodial solution. They are often just easier to use and offer the features people want.
Trying to force a non-custodial solution on people might actually be off-putting, and it can lead to a negative first experience with Bitcoin. Perhaps they can't figure out how it works, or something goes wrong. Whatever it is, they might get frustrated and give up on Bitcoin altogether.
Having said all that, I think it's essential to educate people on why it's not a good idea to store a lot of money in a custodial wallet and what the difference is between custodial and non-custodial. However, most of us started with some kind of custodial solution and gradually obtained more knowledge about Bitcoin and wallets.
So, the custodial solutions can be kind of a ''gateway drug'' to non-custodial. Additionally, I don't think having a mix of custodial and non-custodial solutions is bad. It is, however, important to be aware of the risks (and benefits) that come with both.
They want something with a nice UX and not too much hassle. Therefore, they'd much prefer a custodial solution over a non-custodial solution
I don't understand why this lie is still propagated. Pheonix and Breezy exist. I've use Wallet of Satoshi it's about the same UX wise so what are you talking about?
In the year 2022, you don't need custody to use lightning easily.
Dude, people don't start with Bitcoin by downloading a lightning wallet. Let's be at least a bit realistic here. I clearly write ''whether talking about lightning wallets or other crypto wallets'', so read before you comment.
people don't start with Bitcoin by downloading a lightning wallet.
They should. At this point I really do not see why you wouldn't start with a lightning wallet if it's as easy to use as Breez or Pheonix.
so read before you comment.
You literally quoted the part where you make it explicit that your statement is also addressed to lightning wallets.