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This is truly amazing article. What place do you think an attention should take in value-enabled web? Should it be purchasable? It reminds me an old Bill Gates idea to pay for sending emails to fight spam. At those time I though that it's completely horrible, but now I think it's really the way how it should be done.
There was a time when I built an android app that would connect to you Gmail acc and reply to strangers with a lightning invoice, and only move the email to inbox if they pay. Nobody cared though :(
That's sad =(. It also looks like what Vida.page do for Twitter DMs. Btw, did you thought about make it as a SaaS that connect's to your GMail it manages email without need to install the app?
No, I somewhat lost interest in that at that point. Now I guess nostr will replace email and will have lightning built-in :)
I think nothing will ever replace email after more than 50 years of success :) nostr is a good idea, but there was jabber, then xmpp, then matrix, mastodon and gazillion other decentralized networks and protocols. Only few of them succeeded, actually those that provide service that nobody else provide (like tor and bitcoin). And at the same time centralized messengers like WhatsApp and then Telegram had a huge success, mainly because of rapid development and great UX/UI.
You're right of course. Decentralized or not, a platform needs to solve a problem, without that it's just a toy.
Here is what I'm thinking about - reactions/comments on the Web, discussions about the long-form content. Current options are on-site (too easy to fake/censor), or external centralized (Twitter, Disqus etc). Both aren't perfect - on-site is fake, and external are all closed. I've been waiting for 5 days for a new Twitter API key, and they haven't approved my request yet.
With nostr we could have an open platform for comments/reactions. Upvote/downvote content by posting to nostr, post comments on nostr, kinda like on Twitter, but it's open. Now suddenly a search engine can take into account both signals, just like it uses web links now. Any website can show global unbiased comments on their site. Any app can now use that data to build some great experiences.
Add LN tips/payments into the mix, and this looks much more like a real web3.0.
Exciting :)
Managed to write a short thread summary too. (Here's a mirror in case you hate twitter.)
How about a nostr mirror? )
Amazing article and I really hope this is the future of the web. My guess is we’ll move that direction but ads will still play a big (though reduced) role in the internet economy.
-Users will have the ability to earn small amounts of money from the ads they view (like Slice). If ads don’t pay, they’ll get blocked.
-Users will have control over their own “advertising ID” which can increase their earning potential if they choose to share it with advertisers.
-Publishers will start to implement true micropaywalls for their content.
-Solutions like Mash will help users to set budgets per website in order to make micropayments seamless and not need to decide to pay for every single article / piece of content they want to view.
End of the day, everyone should come out ahead of where we are today…
-Publishers may lose a percentage of ad revenue (due to users taking a cut), but they will get new revenue from micropayments in order to make it back. (Also, publishers are already about to lose a ton of money from the impending death of third party cookies so I really think they will need new monetization strategies that don’t rely on privacy-unfriendly “ID” companies relying on hashed emails). Micropayments offer that alternative.
-Users will get more control over their advertising experience and be able to earn some money to pay the small amounts needed to view the content they wish to view.
-Advertisers will get an opt in, privacy safe way to show users relevant ads.
I think the switch will be gradual, yes. Podcasting 2.0 is leading the way. Granted, the first shows that are purely listener-funded via V4V will be niche purists like Citadel Dispatch and similar, but that's always how these things start.
Small issue: section 'Attention' has Plato's quote badly formatted.
Thanks! Fixed!
отправить 1 копейку является дорогим удовольствием? так как отправить 1 $ это нормально.? да отлично! биткоин исправит. не знаю сколько времени вы потратили на написание этой статьи,? может это сделал ИИ. но я точно знаю что даю вам 1 сатоши который точно расскажет сколько времени понадобилось для его создания. с пониманием языка могут возникнуть ошибки.