Would one describe a VPN similar to whirlpool or some other btc coinjoin service ? Is my internet traffic originating at my house going into a private network along with other users...and then coming out the other end without someone knowing who made which requests ? Obviously the service providing the VPN can log who did what, but is that how a VPN works ? What are better ways one would describe how a VPN works (think ELI 5)?
Your description is basically correct.
You send your traffic to a server belonging to someone else (from your home IP)
They send it wherever you want it to go (from their server IP)
The website you are requesting, sees the server IP, not your home IP
You are supposed to trust (you cannot verify) that this server (or their hosting provider) does not log all that traffic against your IP
fyi there's a new service coming up that can potentially make all this a lot more private: #101399