I really don't want to, but tools like these are necessary stepping stones. The goal is to eventually spend bitcoin directly, but that takes a whole lot of time in helping businesses convert. That is a thing I am working on in my local community, but in the mean time I want to be able to eat and still get the benefits of living on a bitcoin standard. Because of that, it's useful to be able to convert to a format people already use. Eventually, if all goes according to plan, I won't have to use those tools at all and will just buy everything with sats. For now though, its a necessary evil
You will NEVER help local businesses to adopt and take btc payments if you still go to their shop with a fucking visa card.
Have patience, give them education, give them a reason to accept, give them documentation.
Meanwhile do whatever it takes to pay directly in BTC, buy exclusively from those merchants that take it directly.
Going back to fiat is NOT an option! Fiat is slavery! By each payment you do with fiat, you support slavery