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Fiat poisoning presents a number of symptoms that manifest in the inability to plan for your future, a sense of nihilism, and a decline in society due to a toxic imbalance in the way money and value work.
The poisonous substance of fiat is difficult to see unless it is specifically pointed out to you. Even then its corruption is for the most part colourless and odourless and only its effects are visible.
Importantly, for a long time there was no real alternative (for even gold became laced with the same paper-based toxin) and so acceptance of fiat became ordained and eventually implicit over several generations.
Fiat is a toxic substance, but for a long time it was the only thing in the pantry.
Symptoms of Fiat Poisoning may include:
  • A hopelessness towards ever getting ahead in life because prices are increasing faster than you can keep up.
  • The continual decay of infrastructure and cities.
  • The primacy of words over action.
  • A feeling that you were born ‘too late’ instead of ‘too early’.
  • A resentment and contempt for elders.
  • The corruption and subsequent distrust of institutions.
  • The collapse of social and community cohesion at even the most local level.
  • The emergence of populist ideology and political movements promising to treat the symptoms.
  • A cultural narrative that is obsessed with historical narratives instead of future building.
  • Contempt for marriage, children, and legacy.
  • A reduction in time preference down to the epoch of a Tik Tok video, a Tinder hookup, or a tweet.
I realise others such as Saifedean have explored these concepts. However I do feel there is nuance to draw out. For example, I do not feel that post-war architecture (the iconic concrete apartment) are purely symptoms of fiat poisoning. What they have become today certainly is a testament to fiat, but at the time of their construction they were visionary and heroic in their intention of building a better world.
The problem with fiat poisoning is that like arsenic, it builds up in the body of society, and the longer you leave it the worse it gets. The poison has already taken so much from us, for we cannot even build bridges, put men on the moon, or walk the streets of our cities safely anymore.
Where is the monumental thinking? Where are the visionaries? Where is the better world?
Bitcoin represents an antidote to this poison, a new kind of digital money for building the world that is absolutely scarce, decentralised, and permissionless. Bitcoin provides the opposite of all the symptoms listed above. Most importantly Bitcoin is for everyone. It is able to be easily self-custodied even by a non-technical person, and the barrier to entry is about as low as an internet connection and a cheap mobile phone.
– CE
Follow me @TTOVpodcast
You could very well go deeper into the soft psychological torture which inflation opposes uppon the mind of the pleb, conscious or unconscious it adds to the poisoning of the body through industrialized fiat food.
The soft pressure of having their savings inflated away adds to the continuing & constant inflamatory and stressed state of the hardworking human beeing and indirectly affects the health of the most part of our civilization, as they try to gain for the necessary needs for their self and their close ones
"I do not feel that post-war architecture (the iconic concrete apartment) are purely symptoms of fiat poisoning."
I guess examples that typify 60s/70s brutalist/concrete design has it's merits and perhaps answered a design brief with a view to consider a possible future. But IMO, so much of what has come and gone since then has just been a rehashing of trite ideas about what the future might be like using the materials of the day. This lack of vision, particulaly in residential architectural design, is a byproduct of maximum capacity at minimum expenditure economics, especially (contrasted with the craftsmanship found in stone and brick masonary through the ages.) A product of Cantillon's economic theory, of non-neutral money and of new money creation. I would say.
Based 👏
Bitcoin is not an effective antidote. In fact, the longer I have held bitcoin, the deeper my understanding of fiat grew, and with that understanding of the world I live in, the poison festered.
Perhaps it is a bit like pouring alcohol on an open wound for years on end. The reality is humans are social animals, and the poison reaches us even if we do not touch fiat ourselves. The effects of secondhand fiat are no joke! Until the total collapse of fiat, it will continue metastisizing.
биткоин инструкция, в 2008 году такой альтернативы не существовало!
All told in Genesis, block 1.
to jest dosyć wkurwiające gdy ktoś pisze nie po angielsku...
то есть ... ... кто говорит не по английски?
now your turn, then...
о чем говорим?
switching from "не по английски" into english, I thought you are a bit wiser...