I don't quite understand. Is that like a reverse big-bang visualization with 1btc=1btc?
The last 60 days of crypto price action.
Performance of 10,506 coins vs BTC (green) in the last 60 days.
ETH - orange BNB - yellow USDT - blue
Explainer: dropping 3->1 means if you bought 3 sats of it, you now have 1 sat of value.
Data by @coingecko.
Each line is a price chart for a coin relative to its current value, starting from ~now (at the center line, orange to represent BTC) going back to August 14th, 2022.
So a few coins went up in value since August 14th, 2022 (as they started out below the orange line). But the vast majority went down in value (as they started out above the orange line).
I was pretty close, but there's now a much better chart.
See my other comment reply, with a new image ... and the explanation from the author as to how to interpret.
That's a great way to generalize the ecosystem and I'm confident with just Bitcoin.
Here's the Tweet that kicked off the Twitter thread where this was shared:
Image captured from the World Wide Web today.
Look at it. That's here. That's home. That's us.
On it every trader you ever heard of, every hodler that lived, lived out their lives.
The aggregate of all our fomo and fud. Thousands of ponzis, ideologies and economic doctrines.

November 2022 - December 2022
Crap ... that is August 14, 2022 .... not August '14.
SORRY! (Sure wish SN had a way to edit even after the 10 minute edit window ... to fix minor errors like that).