Juan again from Lightsats haven't been much active after the BOLT🔩FUN - Legends of Lightning⚡️Tournamnet finished but wanted to pick up my daily habit of continuing to interact with the SN community!
The team and I are extremely excited to have been able to win the tournament, it has been an exciting time building for the past 9 weeks and bringing the idea of Lightsats to life!
We continue building💪🏼 and shipping features🚀.
Quick update on what just went live:
Working on Christmas Gifting to allow users to generate their own Christmas cards they can print with a personalized message and a QR Code to Redeem.
This is what the flow looks once you create a tip https://i.postimg.cc/y8YJbBG9/Gifting.png
This is what the outside of the card looks like https://i.postimg.cc/mDZCBBcQ/Screen-Shot-2022-12-16-at-6-16-54-AM.png
This is what the inside of the card looks like https://i.postimg.cc/Kc0wXDqW/Screen-Shot-2022-12-16-at-6-27-43-AM.png
Whoever is the fastest ⚡️can take these sats on this card!
We're also working on a "⏩Skip onboarding" mode, we received a lot of feedback from the community asking to not ask for a user to authenticate and be able to claim the sats right away, also we've seen other use cases from the bitcoin community where they are using Lightsats to do giveaways on Twitter, we had the Atlanta Bitdev meetup create 40+ tips of $2 each and they added the QR Codes to fortune cookies🥠 so there's been different use cases from the initial use case of onboarding a new user.
So with this feedback, we wanted to also incorporate it into our product.
Setting up "⏩Skip onboarding" https://i.postimg.cc/fRSYWMwd/mobile-5.gif
What the receiving user will see https://i.postimg.cc/DZD3QQXm/claim2.gif
Also, we now have a full translation in Thai and Español 🎉
We added our project to Weblate in case anyone is interested in helping to translate to their native language.
If you are feel free to join our Discord Server - https://lgt.st/community
We'll post the main story on SN on more stuff we've been working on and what is on the roadmap.
Cheers, all!
Oh and whoever claims those 5743 sats on this card let us now!
Thanks for making this product! I tried it out yesterday (just tipping myself to try it out) and the interface is smooth. There is still the worry of the person making a wallet and claiming the reward, but then losing the sats through negligence of their keys. Still, it is better than nothing, and your custom message feature does let me put something along the lines of, "Hey, here is a tip in bitcoin. Feel free to take a couple days getting aquainted with how to use it before redeeming the tip, as I wouldn't want you to lose it through lack of understanding."
The whole onboarding thing does minimize this, and I love that you guys made it. Regardless, orange pilling still takes time. Thank you so much for adding another tool to it though!
You're welcome!
Yes, the one big worry is still having the user download their own wallet and properly back up their keys! We will need to come up with some gamification on the platform so we can encourage users to back them up and maybe we do some rewards or at least extremely simple guides on how to do it per wallet.
From my own experience using it with my non bitcoiner family and friends, I have noticed that it takes time for them to go through the onboarding and download a wallet, for some the tip expired and I reached out asking if they wanted me to extend it or just leave it, majority of them ask for it to be extended and they do end up going through the whole onboarding.
Also, another strategy I've been playing around with is helping them buy a gift card via Bitrefill straight from their wallet, I would rather have someone withdraw their bitcoin and use it right away than sit there and have them forget about it.
Thanks again for the kind words, it really is extremely encouraging to hear all the good feedback helping us continue building.
Hey I claimed it! I went through the setup process and was really impressed with the UX and flow. I think there are some great concepts and designs in there that communicate a complex idea well (I am looking at it from a design perspective!).
I think this is a great way to onboard people. Quite a bit of info still though.
On a tangent, I was talking to someone else who had an idea similar to this (but a bit more analogue):
  • Create a wallet and load it with a small gift amount
  • Write the 12 seed phrases in a Christmas card and gift to someone with a short explainer to download wallet software and backup from the 12 words.
Now they have a small amount of Bitcoin to play with and learn from. If the person starts sending or receiving amounts you can delete the wallet from your own device and leave it to them, but if they never follow through or forget about it you can always sweep it back out (and don't risk losing the sats).
Thanks for letting us know you claimed them and happy to hear you liked the UX and flow! It still really is a working progress, as we continue to test with more nonbitcoiners and get feedback it will help us streamline it even more to have a higher conversion rate of a user downloading a wallet and withdrawing their sats.
I love that idea as well, specifically that the first experience a user gets is backing up a wallet, I think it's brilliant to have a brand new user get exposure to bitcoin via recovering a wallet that way they already experience what I would say is one of the most intimidating parts of self custody!
In essence, that's what Lightsats is trying to do (minus the wallet recovery) but basically being able to gift bitcoin to anyone and in case they just are not interested in following through with their exploration of bitcoin you can claim it back to your own wallet.
What we really want to push forward is to give options to a brand new user of the capabilities and usabilities of bitcoin! So I personally with all my Lightsats tips/gifts I have handed out I usually try to help the person immediately buy a gift card via Bitrefill, or even load up a virtual visa debit card via Moon for us is extremely important for a brand new user to get started right away experiencing all the amazing things bitcoin and lightning has to offer.
We don't want a user to claim their sats and just have them sit there where they don't learn and could potentially lose them forever.