Twitter is shutting down its newsletter product, Revue next month (on January 18, 2023).
What options are available for continuing a newsletter and incorporating bitcoin (either for a paywall, or as value for value model)?
While not an e-mail "newslettter" service, there is a wordpress plugin built by @alby:
v1.2.0 of the Lightning Publisher for WP now includes V4V like boost buttons #73984
Bitcoin Lightning on WordPress with the Alby Plugin #66917
I don't know how well this works as a replacement for a newsletter but wanted to share this:
And no, I'm not even considering "web3" Sigle.
I see that Ghost provides a way to migrate from Revue:
Official guide: How to migrate from Revue to Ghost
@MartyBent replied to @Jack on the way forward:
@ghost is the way and if you want to add a component that will allow you to receive sats on the site to donate we've built it at @scribsat
ScribSat is being worked on by the TFTC team, which demonstrated their bitcoin-enabled paywall earlier this year:
Ghost Paywall Example: Issue #824: The Lightning Network is maturing | Marty Bent #11090
ScribSat is not released yet, but maybe this Revue closing down may accelerate their plans to go live. Follow their Twitter account: