One of the important functions of the State is to kill its public enemies, and get away with it, without getting caught. This is essentially what Carl Schmitt describes.
I do not know enough about Network State ideas of Balaji Srinivasan. I am aware it is tangentially aligned with the Bitcoin community. So I think this is a good place to ask this: How does a Network State kill its public enemies and get away with it?
If the Network State cannot kill its public enemies, how would the citizens of the Network State avoid being the public enemy of another State and targeted for extermination?
Nothing Balaji does is aligned with the bitcoin community, either tangentially or otherwise.
Balaji is a Crypto guy. No matter how much he likes to talk about cryptoanarchic principles, at the end of the day he doesn't understand that bitcoin is the only chance he'll ever get at applying them. So he keeps pushing for shitcoins and projects that go in other directions away from bitcoin.
I read half of the network state book and its a nice sci-fi book with new ideas for your imagination.... cant answer your question as I dont know how and if such ideas will come to realisation
создать альтернативу с потенциалом х1000. сейчас денежная система это как хаос в природе... биткоин создаёт хаос в информации. два хаоса не могут существовать вместе. биткоин тоже будит убивать врагов безнаказанно, но по очень интересной схеме... пример, BCH. ну и просто относись к биткоину как к инструкции к применению.