The following post provides some information that might be interesting about how SN is used.
Recommendations for sats: documentaries about computers/internet/hacking #106478
So this is a great example of using SN to crowdsource content creation.
This probably couldn't be done on Reddit ... it would not have been upvoted enough to rank high, I suspect.
It could be attempted on, but I suspect the domain expertise (strong interest in the history of tech, connoisseurs of documentaries) is far greater here on SN whereas the vast majority on Microlancer are just hustling to make a buck (literally, hustling to find $1) and thus their economic situation doesn't afford sufficient leisure time to have watched the obscure documentaries that OP might not have already seen.
Additionally, the "bounty" (i.e., amount of compensation for completing the task) on Microlancer might have needed to be a multiple higher than the amounts I've seen tipped there on that thread with the promise of sats.
From that I might conclude that the incentive here on SN is not driven primarily monetarily but instead the reason the OP is getting participation is because of the community that exists with SN, and their willingness to share their expertise.
This occurs in an environment where that little bit of sharing is rewarded not with Likes (as happens on Twitter, FB), nor just Upvotes (as on Reddit) -- all which are financially worthless expressions of appreciation, but with real sats.
Which means those upvotes/tips didn't come willy nilly -- they represent true appreciation for the contributor's efforts.