No. Dude. Without full RBF, tools like this would be built into Bitcoin wallets:
That's a decentralization incentive problem, but it still results in zero-conf being broken turning especially giftcard sales into infinite money glitches.
You know what pools don't have transaction boosting APIs outside of RBF protocols? Stratum v2 pools. The mining pool protocol that is made to prevent OFAC compliant mining pools would be outcompeted due to transaction boosting whereas a non-censoring pool would normally outcompete a censoring one of the basis of accepting transaction fees and thereby earning more money than a censoring pool.
John Carvalho CEO, needs to take in a larger part of the picture.
"Well, I think the idea of txns being able to signal intent and desired behavior is more interesting (more useful) than a mempool that overrides all intent with RBF" This is the "we already have RBF" argument but you know what, what if my intent is to steal money from your business? Well, I'd use a transaction fee booster to do it, but these days, I'd use fullRBF instead.