Every time we want to be 'nice' or 'tolerant,' there is a toll paid in normie families losing everything. A lot of people shouted loud, and some people got out of FTX in time. But we could have shouted louder and saved more people. I get that if I sound like too much of a dick, people won't listen. But, I probably could have done more.
Anyway, thats what I think about.
Good man.
Like, if you see a child running into the street and you can save it, you do your best.
You step into the street to slow the cars - "This jerk is holding up traffic."
You grab the child - *gets assault changes
Try to warn unsophisticated morons about the crypto scams - *gets called toxic
The Superman franchise is totally unbelievable to me now. Superman IRL would be hated by basically everybody. Spiderman is closer to reality. Have some sats.
My superhero costume would definitely have an LN QR code on it.
"I tried to warn you!"