I've noticed I dont click on posts that have links as much as before as I can find most of the info on Twitter .... which SN posts do you read?
Discussion (no links) 27.3%
Neutral (Discussion & Links) 66.7%
33 votes \ poll ended
I only read polls.
I'm using SN as my bitcoin news source more and more. I don't use Twitter as much as I used to. If article links decrease on SN I'll be forced to go elsewhere. IMO that would be terrible, since I think SN is the future on so many levels.
The best for me are discussions that include a link to the thing.
I've found myself searching with keywords mostly, so it really depends on the results.
I try to focus on posts with original thoughts/content. Especially artwork. Those posts deserve tips. IMO posting a link to another site/article is kinda lame.