I've seen many different estimations on the total value in the store of value market. The numbers vary a lot. Does anyone have a solid estimation, and how much of it can Bitcoin absorb in a post-hyperbitcoinization world?
Few understand what is actively taking place.

See also another post, found here on SN, where that topic is addressed:
Purchasing Power Under a Bitcoin Standard | Blockware Solutions [PDF] #87879 https://www.blockwaresolutions.com/s/Purchasing-Power-Reportpptx.pdf [Direct link]
Thanks a lot! That helped my research... Any idea why derivatives is not included in that report?
All of it.
Multiples of everything combined.
I see a future where Bitcoin is worth 100 times more than everything else combined.
Everything. Bitcoin will change the whole world as we know it, in something totally different. Not today, but in few decades.
All of it.
And that means, per BTC ... well, my calculator doesn't have a way of showing a number that large.
сначала это был 1 $... потом 10$ сейчас уже более 10000$...время покажет что все возможно перевести в сатоши... ты ускоряйся...
no one knows (fact) but everyone can create stories (LOL)