I liked this section. Great article, by the way.
Yes, The Crypto Financial System Is Just Reinventing The Regular Financial System Except Worse In Every Way, And That’s Fine
The space program has existed for more than fifty years, and mostly succeeded at reinventing things we already have on Earth, only worse. Remember the story of that special astronaut pen that cost 0.10, and they work better! The lunar rover is just a car, only worse. That robocopter that flew around Mars is just a drone, only worse. We spent $100 billion building the International Space Station, which is basically just a big house in space. But we already have houses on Earth which are cheaper and more comfortable in every way!
The only excuse for any of this is: yes, but it’s in space.
In the same way, everything about the crypto economy is worse than the regular economy. The only excuse is that it’s decentralized. This means you can use it for all of those cool things - sending remittances, circumventing corrupt banking systems, resisting authoritarian governments - that are hard to do with regular money. Of course subjecting yourself to a difficult constraint is going to be harder than not doing that! You don’t hate the International Space Station for being worse than houses on Earth. You marvel at the fact that anyone can live in space at all!
If nothing’s wrong with your country’s financial or political system, then you don’t need crypto. If you use crypto anyway, it will be worse than your regular financial system, because it’s trading off many things you need (efficiency, speed, safety, the good kinds of regulation) for something you don’t need (avoiding the bad kinds of regulation).
Over the past ten years, crypto has advanced. In 2010, it was probably 100x worse than the regular financial system. Now it’s maybe only 10x worse. Might there come a day when it’s no worse at all, or even better? I don’t know. I wouldn’t hold my breath, and I don’t think the utility of crypto depends on it. But who knows? It could happen!
I read most of the content from this blog, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Scott make a clear rational case for cryptocurrency (I’m saying “Bitcoin” in my head while reading it!).
The essay shows that he’s at the start of the rabbit hole .. he still needs to realise that when a specific protocol like Ethereum is subject to intense centralising pressures and is already co-opted by the state, then Bitcoin is the only thing that meets the requirements he lays out.
I also find the comments interesting on this blog. Good to see a lot of people making the human flourishing argument in favour of proof of work against dismissive nocoiners and PoS midwits.
If it's not Bitcoin, it's a shitcoin.
The idea that crypto is decentralized is a problem in and of itself. Infinite hostility is justified. A glorious leader who can dramatically change the fundamental rules is just a central bank president with less oversight.