Well, it is and it isn't. This is a tough one to crack. How do you build roads, schools, playgrounds etc. if there is no money in the coffers? On the other hand, the current taxation of bitcoin is just insane. Some countries, for example: 30% tax. That is ridiculous.
In 1900s who the fuck build these roads?
I'm an old libertarian, but the fact is the state owns the big guns. They'll lock you up while you're quoting Hayek or Rothbard. I think of Irwin Schiff, Peter Schiff's father, or the great New York Mets pitcher Jerry Koosman.
I'm an old libertarian, but the fact is the state owns the big guns
That means you are chicken shit. WITHOUT BALLS.
I got two swinging free, or as free as they can swing in the good Ole U S of A.
USA is a fucking corporation. Wake up from that dream of "libertarianism", is just a fake word, to keep you slave. Learn how to be a real sovereign individual not a boot liker of a "libertarian" politician. Read more here: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/darth-last-words-to-luke
You are one surly son of a bitch. I do like reading your stuff, though
Somebody have to be that son of bitch :)
How do you build roads, schools, playgrounds etc.
OMG... again with this bullshit?
Watch and learn
Imagine taxes disappear tomorrow. What would happen? Surival of the fittest?
Are you 5 years old? Before saying such stupidities, you better read and learn more.
Not sure I follow your comment. I was genuinely interested to hear your thoughts on what you'd envision would happen since you seem to feel quite strongly about this topic. Always interested to get another point of view. Anyway, we are deviating from what the original post was about (a great collection of resources - kudos:).
And I just sent you a video to watch and learn. Pay attention to what they say.
Thanks. It is not really about being brainwashed. You seem to have a lot of faith in selflessness of people.