nostr - Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays The simplest open protocol that is able to create a censorship-resistant global "social" network once and for all.
It doesn't rely on any trusted central server, hence it is resilient; it is based on cryptographic keys and signatures, so it is tamperproof; it does not rely on P2P techniques, therefore it works.
I'm starting to learn all the possibilities it offers and how it works. It's amazing!
I'm also learning and fascinated by its simplicity.
In my opinion, it's more than just a social network. Social network is just the most obvious use-case of what can be achieved with it.
Yes, it's much more than that, since it's the underlying protocol, and it can be used for different things. The protocol is simple but understanding how it works is being a little hard for me, hehe.
It's a simple API for publishing and subscribing to messages hosted on a public database.
Each data store hosts a web-socket relay for broadcasting messages. Clients use digital signatures for identity and authentication.
Nostr also has a decent system for querying and filtering data. So you can use a relay to run a twitter clone, or a TURN server, or a chat room, etc.
Yes, indeed. I didn't understand that at the beginning, and I was very confused.
A couple of examples are
· is an example of a kind of chat room based on Nostr
· is one of a clone of social network owned by the narcissistic ego-maniacal multibillionaire
I haven't stumbled upon a TURN server based on Nostr yet, but I'm sure I will sooner or later. :-)